Sony wants your help testing PlayStation 4's next update

Sony wants your help testing PlayStation 4's next update


In a rare instance of following Microsoft's lead this generation, Sony is opening up a beta program for its game console firmware updates. If you want to help test the next patch all you need to do is fill out an application, own a PlayStation 4 and wait. A post on thePlayStation Blog notes that the beta starts early next month and further details about what it includes will hit by then. Here's to hoping that unlike the Xbox Dashboard Preview Program this won't require near-constant updates every time you turn your console on. Now, if only Sony would take another cue from Redmond and actually lock down some exclusive games...

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Final Fantasy 15' PC 'Version In The Works Soon; 'FFXV' Director Hints Launch Date And Two Types Of Magic!

Good news gaming fans as new details for "Final Fantasy 15" have been revealed regarding a PC version in the works, a launch date and new magic gameplays.


According to Geeksnack, "Final Fantasy 15" director Hajime Tabata has revealed that magic in the game will be activated in several different ways. Tabata stated during an interview with Spielester that gamers can do magic in "FFXV" video game by letting their characters wear special rings.

Tabata adds that magic will not simply come out of their hands that equipping these special rings will allow them to perform magic attacks and be able to manipulate the whole environment around them. Magic in the game will also be divided into two different types, as the Tabata hinted that one type of magic is only exclusive to the Lucis Family, meaning Noctis can only wield this type of power.

Square Enix recently revealed new game details for "Final Fantasy 15" during Gamescom 2015 two weeks. Square Enix unveiled a new trailer that shows backstory before the events of the actual game, as well as new gameplay video that sees Noctis and the gane fighting a new enemy, Malboro.

It was also reported before that Square Enix released three settings from "Final Fantasy 15" as well as rumored summons in the game such as Odin, Gilgamesh, Anima, Alexander, Bahamut, Knights of the Round etc.

Square Enix announced last year that "Final Fantasy 15's" is at 50 percent of its development as Tabata recently announced that the new title is already 65 percent from its development, Vine Report wrote.

"The 50 percent that we said last year was technical assets and programming assets," Tabata stated." The 65 percent that I'm saying now includes all of the mastering processes. Its a slightly different stat. The actual development work on the game has progressed quite a lot.

Tabata also confirmed that "Final Fantasy 15" will launch on 2016 for the PS4 and Xbox One, but he did not specify which month it will be. Tabata teased that Square Enix will likely showcase more "FFXV details in PAX 2015 later this month.

In other news, a previous report from Segment Next speculated that a PC version for "Final Fantasy 15" will likely be in the works.

Tabata admitted that he was not sure whether "Final Fantasy 15" could run up at 1080p and 60 frames-per-second. He also adds that in order to support that gameplay mechanics and combat system with the 1080p and 60FPS, a high end PC is required.

It was previously hinted that gaming fans made a petition to have "Final Fantasy 15" for the PC which reached about 13,000 signatures. A leaked video featured the game running on the Windows 10 software coupled with DirectX 12 which makes it more impressive than the console versions.

Square Enix recently opened up a job listing for individuals with professional PC skills and the project is related to the online features for "FFXV."

"Final Fantasy 15" will be release on 2016 for PS4 and Xbox One.

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If you can't find your old PSOne discs, don't want the PC version and don't have a PS4, there's now one more way to play Final Fantasy VII: on your iPhone. Today Square Enix launched the classic jRPG for devices running iOS 8.0 and up. At its core, this release is a simple port of the PC version of the game, but developers have made a few minor tweaks to the title palatable on the small screen.

Leveling up won't be an issue on the mobile version of the game, for instance: the iOS version has a "max stats" command that instantly raises your character's levels. Your all-powerful party won't have to deal with time-sucking random battles, either -- they can be turned off. Finally, Square Enix has decided not to give the game a customized touch-friendly menu as it has with some of its other mobileFinal Fantasy ports, opting to overlay the screen with a virtual joypad instead

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Eve Online Virtual Reality 360 Demo Can be Viewed On Your Smartphone Or Tablet (video)

Eve Online Virtual Reality 360 Demo Can be Viewed On Your Smartphone Or Tablet (video)

A new virtual reality 360 degree demo video has been created Scott Maley for Eve Online providing a showcase of the factions and their ships that make-up the space simulation.

The new 360 degree video can be viewed using a tablet or smartphone allowing you to enjoy the Eve Online universe and rotate your mobile hardware to view the surroundings in any direction.

The universe of Eve Online is rich in lore and with hundreds of spacecraft models I felt it would make an excellent subject for a 360 video. Using the Eve Probe tool I put together a number of scenes showcasing the factions and their spacecraft designs.

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Tales from the Borderlands episode 4 Escape Plan Bravo review

Tales from the Borderlands has subverted many of my expectations about the Borderlands universe. I never thought I’d be so emotionally invested about Pandora’s most despicable characters. I never expected the universe could hold my attention without the staples of new guns and dirty jokes popping up every other minute that the original games established. And I never thought I’d get choked up while exploring Pandora. Then “Escape Plan Bravo” came along.

The fourth episode in what continues to shape up as Telltale Games’ most consistently great series had me laughing as much as it left me with a lump caught in my throat. Thanks to some surprising turns, a strange gunfight, and the continued excellence that is Gortys, “Bravo” offered another fantastic outing for the series.

Tales completely gives into its heist influences this time around, theOcean’s Eleven and Reservoir Dogs motif in full effect for “Bravo.” The intro pulls off a hilarious pre-plan montage that culminates in Rhys and Fiona assembling the team as they make their way toward the Helios space station.

The undercover infiltration operation that follows may not deliver any of the tense moments its influencers are known for – I never sensed grave danger for the group – but that doesn’t stop it from offering a number of surprising sequences. It’s a mission that finds moments of absolute emotional resonance and pure silliness.

Those antics make for one of the most unique shootouts you’ll likely ever have in a Borderlands game on Rhys’ side of the story, and hilarious line after hilarious line from Gortys from Fiona’s half of the plan. Seriously, Ashley Johnson may have had the chance to show some of her comedic chops as Ellie in The Last of Us (in addition to all of the incredible dramatic work she also did), but here she and the writers have crafted one of the funniest video game characters I’ve come across in years.

But most of the core cast has the chance to shine. The game’s most interesting pairing, Troy Baker’s Rhys and Daemeon Clarke’s Handsome Jack, deliver another great entry in one of gaming’s oddest couples. Laura Bailey’s Fiona has some fantastic moments in the episode’s early scenes, including one of my favorite scenes in any Telltale game, but it later gives way to Rhys and Jack taking center stage. Their fascinating push-and-pull of a relationship could be a spin-off itself, equal parts wacky sitcom and dark drama of ambition and lost power.

“Escape Plan Bravo” ends on a note that feels much like the conclusion to part one of a two-part finale – the Half-Blood Prince toThe Deathly Hallows. Rhys and Fiona are both in perilous situations that could put the whole plan at risk, and the cliffhanger is one that makes me pine for an answer in the coming days, not weeks or months. Here’s hoping the finale can make good on the promise of these last four episodes

Rainbow Six Siege Delayed to December Release | Shacknews

Ubisoft has announced that its upcoming tactical shooter, Rainbow Six Siege has been delayed to a December 1 release date. Originally set to release on October 13, Ubisoft has announced it is pushing the release in order to further smooth out and improve several needed adjustments across all gamemodes.

A post on the Ubisoft blog stated “we’ve decided to push the release date of Rainbow Six Siege to December 1, 2015 for all regions. This wasn’t an easy decision, but based on the feedback we’ve received, and based on our own internal tests, we felt there are adjustments and improvements we can make, including improving the co-op experience across all game modes, weapon and gadget balancing, as well as menu and interface navigation. We’re taking a little more time to make these changes, and we think it’s the right call.”

The post continued on, stating that the closed beta will still begin on September 24, and that this additional time testing will allow the development team to improve the experience even more.