Xperia XZ2 vs Galaxy Note 8 - Camera Tests
It's another #WhatGear Camera Compare & Contrast video this time it's the Xperia XZ2 Vs Galaxy Note 8. Which one won? you tell me...

Note 8 Vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test!
So due to popular request it's another #WhatGear camera test! How do the Oneplus 5 cameras compare to the flagship Samsung Galaxy Note 8?

Win a FREE smartphone! Follow me on SNAPCHAT to WIN
Do you want to win a smartphone well check out this video, follow WhatGear on SNAPCHAT and you're in!

Cortana on Android...
When news came out that Microsoft was going to be developing Cortana for Android, I was dubious. As in, “So what?” Realistically, I just didn’t see the point. Android has a perfectly good voice assistant in Google Now – to say nothing of how awesome Now on Tap will be – so why should we care about Cortana on Android? It’ll be just another app.
But then news came out more recently thatCortana will be able to replace Google Now as the default search for Android. Whoa. Ok. Now we’re talking.
Blackberry Slider Phone
A month after @evleaks published one press render of BlackBerry's upcoming Android-based smartphone — yes, with a physical keyboard — he's back todaywith several new photos of the device. And there's even a GIF. According to Blass, the BlackBerry Venice is headed for all four major US carriers this November. The previous leaked render didn't offer any look at the device's keyboard, but today that changes.
Judging by the icons seen here, the Venice looks to be running a version of Android that's very close to Google's stock software. That keyboard also looks like a treat, though it also seems somewhat small and cramped thanks to the phone's slider design. But this is BlackBerry we're talking about — a company that's rarely if ever made a terrible keyboard. Both sides of the screen are curved a la the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.
Blass also tweeted images that appeared to show another BlackBerry device running Android. The second device doesn't have a slider, looking instead like the company's Passport, a big and square smartphone that would — if the leaks are accurate — now run Google's operating system.