How to Sign Up for the PS4 System Software Beta – PlayStation.Blog
Calling all PS4 fans! Before we launch our next major system software update, we’re running a beta program to test its functionality. If you’d like to get a sneak peek at the features of the new system software, and help us with feedback on ways to improve it, sign up today.
Sony wants your help testing PlayStation 4's next update
In a rare instance of following Microsoft's lead this generation, Sony is opening up a beta program for its game console firmware updates. If you want to help test the next patch all you need to do is fill out an application, own a PlayStation 4 and wait. A post on thePlayStation Blog notes that the beta starts early next month and further details about what it includes will hit by then. Here's to hoping that unlike the Xbox Dashboard Preview Program this won't require near-constant updates every time you turn your console on. Now, if only Sony would take another cue from Redmond and actually lock down some exclusive games...