How to speed up your Mac - In 5 minutes

So if you're packing a Mac in the back of your backpack. Or if you have an iMac or Mac mini or MacBook Air or Macbook pro at home...and it's running super slow...then you might be thinking it's time to get a new one... Stop, don't do it, not yet.

This video right here... Is going to be extremely useful for you & I'm going to show you some simple steps, that will your Mac back to life... And you're gonna wish someone showed you this a long time ago.

There are two ways to significantly speed up a slow Apple Mac. There is the easy way... and there is the hard way. Let us start with the hard way. I'm going to give you 5 quick hacks to speed up your Mac... right now, today.

1. Optimise your Hard drive

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First things first are to clear out and organize your hard drive. By entering your finder and filtering by file size to show the largest first... You'll be able to work your way down the list and remove large files using a lot of HHD space & slowing down your Mac....with that said the accumulation of pointless small files is much harder to find & sometimes even hidden... The easy method that I'm going to show you will help reveal them.

2. Repair Disk errors

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After you've cleaned your HDD, Shut your computer down fully & boot it back up & hold Command R on boot up to enter recovery mode. Once booted up, Run disk utility & run first aid on your Mac HDD. This will check for disk errors. If there are errors, the first aid tool will detect and fix them.

3. Optimise CPU performance

Next, you need to go on into the activity monitor to monitor your apps running in the CPU column. Filter to see which ones are using most resources... Identify them & remove and uninstall any unnecessary programs. Disclaimer... you gotta be careful though.

If you stop or delete critical apps or stop important processes, or delete a vital system file, you might make things even slower than before... Double-check, triple-check & submit a question on the apple forums if you are not sure. If you don't want to uninstall certain apps that you occasionally use, you can prevent them from opening on boot up by going to

System preferences> users & groups > login items & subtracting them

This can improve boot speeds. If you're worried about making a mistake. Trust me. Use the easy method, that I'm about to show you. but before I do that, it's step 4.

4. Clear all your Third Part App Caches

A lot of third-party Apps, for example, programs like Photoshop & premiere will also generate some pretty large files in its cache over time... Which can slow your Mac down. These can be a little tricky to find. My advice is to use the help menu in whatever version of the software you are using to search for the term 'clear cache'. You can of course locate these in finder & delete them that way too...but this one could be very time-consuming.

5. How to speed up browsing.

It's a good idea to use Safari as your primary browser. It's optimized for Mac, so it will almost always outperform other browsers on a Mac computer.

No matter what browser you use. Clearing old internet cache files, that are no longer necessary. Can boost browser speeds. The tricky part is locating them because... A lot of them will be hidden within your browser's settings. Again use the help section in your browser to find out how to do this

The last thing you want is people tracking you so you, there's a bunch of preventing this... The easy method will be your best bet if this is a concern.

(Bonus 6.) Re-index finder

Now once you've done this, you may need to re-index the finder so your Mac can quickly search and discover things more quickly than before. Some other things that will also help look at the apps that start when you boot up, as well as And once you've done all of that your Mac... Will be back... close to peak performance.

And all it will take you is the best part of a day...or. A couple of days...maybe a week...

Now here's the easy way... There is an app that does everything I showed you, with a ton more optimization tweaks and even enhances security...

And the best thing about it, is you don't need to be mac genius to use it... If you do this, your Mac can improve with up to 4 times better load speeds, thanks to improved CPU & GPU performance.

This app will fine-tune your finder & at the same time you'll also be leveling up your security game too.

Get this app. It's called CleanMyMac. The publisher MacPaw has a good reputation & is approved by apple's app store. This app is also ranked in the top 10 in utilities. So it is trustworthy. There is even an option to have 24/7 tech support... For whenever you need it.

So check this out. Go to your app store. Search for clean my Mac X. You'll find it very quickly...or maybe not so quickly, if your Mac is in really bad shape… But don't worry we're going to fix that.

Once it's downloaded you will be presented with the CleanMyMac X home screen. This is where the magic happens.

Run the initial smart scan.

Immediately the CleanMyMac X software will perform a thorough scan and offer ways to optimize your Mac...

Cleanup suggests junk files you should think about getting rid of...always review these first.

It will check for security risks & suggest large files to get rid of. Always review these. Clean my Mac X presents everything nicely for you. So you can tick boxes to confirm the delete and untick files you want to keep. Run that and you will be on your way. You can also remove malware and protect your privacy by removing browsing traces, save data, and stuff like that.

Optimization is going to help, with all your startup apps and apps running in the background. Now, this is a great feature. The uninstaller... Check this out. If you find yourself in a situation where you've got unwanted apps... The normal way to get rid of them is to drag them to the bin... However, sometimes that can leave residual files behind... The clean my Mac uninstaller does it properly.

The last thing I want to show is the space lens. This is a really great way for you to visually deep dive into all the files on your Mac. The bigger the circle the more files inside... Let me show you how easy this is. We can see the desktop has over Gigs of data being used. Click on it. We can see what's using up that space visually... anything unnecessary like this 'quicky leaks intro' folder isn't needed... I can click it and add it to the remove list.

It's so easy... Clean my Mac is so awesome. If you want to bring your Mac back to life... Try it's out & thank me later ;)

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Troy R

Founder of WhatGear Ltd. Web Content Creator, Video Editor, Director

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