TouchJet Pond - Portable Android projector - UNBOXED
Keep any eye on for the full review video and write up from AV Dave. Coming soon!
Check it out! Do you want a tablet for Xmas? Then why not get an 80 inch tablet projected onto any wall. It also connects to your phone of HDMI device...its pretty awesome! Touchjet Pond gives you the functionality of a projector and that of a tablet built into a lightweight, palm-sized smart device.
A really classy design from Sony. A beautiful 4K projector that doesn't hang from the ceiling or dominate the room.
Troy 'The GamesMaster' recaps the highlights since 3K subs * Check out what Syndicate & Jason Bradbury had to say about WhatGear So here it is 4k Subscribers! We couldn't have done it without you awesome WhatGear Legendary Subscribers. Many many thanks to all of you.
So here's another HighLight from this years CES and if they ever did find and alien ship in Area 51, then Dr.Robotnik has definitely used some of the tech in this car.