Xperia XZ WhatGear's Top 5 Features
It's another #WhatGear Top Five Favourite Features Final Countdown! this week its the Sony 2016 Flagship Xperia XZ. See what I consider to be the top five features. If you enjoyed this video we a have many more just like this SUBSCRIBE now and you will be one of the FINEST subscribers known to Mankind!
Its the Final Countdown...of my favourite to 5 features on the Xperia XA. What more can I it ;) and let me know what you think. If you enjoyed this video we a have many more like this SUBSCRIBE now and you will be one of the FINEST subscribers known to Mankind!
Huawei P9 could be the closest to an android iPhone but maybe, just maybe it has a better camera. Anyway I've been using this phone for a week and here are my top 5 favourite features. If you enjoyed this video. Let me know what you liked about it.