Smash Hit Plunder - Interview - VR in a Bar
AV Dave & the Gamesmaster attended the VR in a Bar event in London. We caught up with Katie from triangular pixels to talk about the upcoming game Smash Hit Plunder.

The Little Ones coming to PS4 and XboxOne
Based on This War of Mine, The Little Ones puts you in charge of a group of adults and children stuck in the middle of hell, trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger. The question is: how far will you go to make it through another day?

Top 5 Games to look forward to this September
With the summer lull coming to an end, September 2015 sees several major releases coming to the market. Here’s our top 5:

Retailers Giving Free Copy Of MGS V: The Phantom Pain To Buyers Of Batman: Arkham Knight GeForce Bundle
Great news for players who bought GeForce GTX Batman: Arkham Knight Bundle. It's an open secret that Batman: Arkham Knight PC version was a BAD, so much so that Warner Bros was forced to pull the game down from Steam. Now, if you are among one of those buyers who bought GeForce GTX Batman: Arkham Knight Bundle from NewEgg, you can ask them for a replacement code for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
This generosity of NewEgg has been confirmed by Reddit user "littlestminish" and by others in a thread titled as "PSA: For everyone who received Batman: Arkham Knight with a Nvidia GPU on Newegg, they are giving away MGSV: PP free of charge."

If you can't find your old PSOne discs, don't want the PC version and don't have a PS4, there's now one more way to play Final Fantasy VII: on your iPhone. Today Square Enix launched the classic jRPG for devices running iOS 8.0 and up. At its core, this release is a simple port of the PC version of the game, but developers have made a few minor tweaks to the title palatable on the small screen.
Leveling up won't be an issue on the mobile version of the game, for instance: the iOS version has a "max stats" command that instantly raises your character's levels. Your all-powerful party won't have to deal with time-sucking random battles, either -- they can be turned off. Finally, Square Enix has decided not to give the game a customized touch-friendly menu as it has with some of its other mobileFinal Fantasy ports, opting to overlay the screen with a virtual joypad instead

Eve Online Virtual Reality 360 Demo Can be Viewed On Your Smartphone Or Tablet (video)
A new virtual reality 360 degree demo video has been created Scott Maley for Eve Online providing a showcase of the factions and their ships that make-up the space simulation.
The new 360 degree video can be viewed using a tablet or smartphone allowing you to enjoy the Eve Online universe and rotate your mobile hardware to view the surroundings in any direction.
The universe of Eve Online is rich in lore and with hundreds of spacecraft models I felt it would make an excellent subject for a 360 video. Using the Eve Probe tool I put together a number of scenes showcasing the factions and their spacecraft designs.