PS4 Black Ops 3 Console - LEAKED
Amazon have let a little Sony secret slip. Yes its a grey and ember coloured PS4 limited edition console. With Sony pushing the boat out this time partnering up with Activision. PS4 owners can expect to see Black Ops 3 add ons first...dare we say maybe some exclusive content? Although the console hasn't been officially confirmed yet. I think its a pretty safe bet we'll see it for the CALL OF DUTY launch later this year.
WhatGear also were one of the first to find out about a fan favourite map returning to the series. Take a look at the video below.
If you like limited edition consoles you might alos likalso check out this StarWars exclusive.
There has been an awakening have you felt it? Sony have returned to the darkside! with this limited edition playstation 4 console. Inspired by the daddy of the dark side himself...this playstation is rocking an all new look...or more of an old school look to be precise.