PS4 Slim...?

Sony is reportedly planning to release a slim version of the PlayStation 4 (PS4) by Oct. 4. 

At least that's the word according to the latest rumors circulating online.

Earlier this year, numerous reports appearing online suggested that if a slim version of PS4 was to be released this year, Sony would most likely announce news of it at this year's E3.

However E3 2015 came and went without Sony issuing any new word about a possible slim version of their PS4 console.

New reports now are saying that Sony held off on their news regarding the new PS4 in lieu of making that announcement this October, according to Crossmap.

People have been expecting Sony to announce a slim version of the PlayStation 4 for a while now, especially since the company has traditionally released a slim model for their previous consoles.

If a slim version of the PS4 is indeed to be announced, many are expecting that it would come with 1 TB of available space, although the rumors have stopped short of naming any other possible upgrades or changes that could be made to the console.

In related news, Sony is currently looking for PS4 owners who will be willing to try out their new software update before it is officially launched, according to the PlayStation Blog.

To be more specific, the people who will be trying out the new update will be testing its features and be giving feedback based on their experiences with it.

There are a few requirements that Sony is looking for in potential software testers and those include owning a PS4, having access to a master account and a decent enough Internet connection.

Potential software testers will also need to sign up at the official PlayStation website to be in the running to be selected for the said trial. 

Troy R

Founder of WhatGear Ltd. Web Content Creator, Video Editor, Director

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