XPERIA M2 AQUA - Smartphone
NEW! version of the M2 now waterproof! check it out Another review by Troy from What Gear! PAUSE AT 3:12 FOR FULL SPECIFICATIONS Hit the LIKE button if you enjoy the video! leave a comment
look hear see...Another WhatGear inside scoop on the upcoming Sony Xperia Z6 due for launch in 2016. The chances are we will see the final completed version of the new Xperia at the MWC 2016. For now check out this WhatGear Word on the Street #WWOTS video and see what you think.
Watch what WhatGear got up to at the London exclusive Launch * Check out what Jason Bradbury had to say about WhatGear WhatGear were in attendance at London's RoundHouse in Camden Town for the Halo launch! It was an amazing event check out what the GamesMaster (Troy) and Audio Video Dave (AV Dave) got up to at the RoundHouse.
The first addition to the Xperia family (in 2015) the SONY Xperia M4 Aqua. Not a Flagship...but like a ship it is waterproof! Are we past demanding great? Should we now just expect great? Do great things come to those who wait...Sony would like to make believe so.