XPERIA Z5 Launch Event - London - WhatGear Style
The WhatGear team were in attendance at the exclusive press event 30th September/ 2015. We got some awesome unique content from the evenings events. Check it out!
It was a fantastic event and a fantastic phone/phones. The Z5 is the world's first ever 4K screen on a mobile, and as it happens we just hit 4K subs on youtube! Big thank you to all our current and new and future subscribers. Also to AV for bringing the equipment.
We arrived armed with a 360 camera to bring you WhatGear fans a new angle. Take a look around and how it was all going down. Click the image above to check out the #360video from inside the Getty Gallery.
After leaving the event we ran into some street performers break dancing. Which we filmed in 360 video for you guys to check out.
The WhatGear team heading back from the #SONY Xperia Z5 Launch ran into some London break dancers. So they stopped and shot a video in 360. Check it out!